PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PURPOSE: The Borough of Pine Beach is seeking funding through the State of NJ Green Acres Program for improvements at Vista Park located at Riverside Dr. & Midland Ave. in The Borough of Pine Beach.
of Pine Beach proposes to create the following new facilities at Vista Park
Playground. A concept plan showing the proposed changes, a preliminary cost
estimate, and an environmental impact assessment for the project are displayed
in these linked documents:
The public is encouraged to attend a public hearing to learn more about the
proposal and to ask questions or provide comments on the proposed plan for
Wednesday, January 15th, at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held
In Person and virtually as part of the regularly scheduled Council meeting at
Pine Beach Borough Hall, 599 Pennsylvania Ave., Pine Beach, NJ 08741.
PLAYGROUND SURVEY The public is encouraged to complete the Vista Park
Playground Survey Google Form
Written comments on the proposed application
may be directed to Hannah L. Jacobus, RMC,, 599
Pennsylvania Ave., Pine Beach NJ 08741.
IMPORTANT LINKS Utility Assistance Programs | NJ 211 For Assistance: Berkeley Senior Services (732)244-9600Local News + Alerts
Pine Beach Borough - Community Alert System : Nixle
Ocean County
Finding it difficult to pay your energy bills? If you’re faced with a past-due balance, you have options. We’re helping get the word out during the NJ Board of Public Utilities’ Energy Assistance Week. New Jersey Natural Gas is ready to help connect you with FREE energy assistance grants and set up a flexible payment arrangement so you can maintain your natural gas service. If you’re experiencing unanticipated financial hardship, you may now qualify. Get in touch to learn about your options and step-by-step help navigating the application process. Call 800-221-0051 (and say “energy assistance” at the prompt) or visit for more information and to apply.
If any member of your household depends on electrically operated life-support
equipment, please let us know by calling 1-800-662-3115. Jersey Central Power &
Light (JCP&L) will send you a form that must be completed and signed by your
physician every year to verify that you have life-support. When we receive your
completed form, we will add your name to our critical care list. The list will
be used during a power outage to contact all critical care customers by
telephone if the outage may affect their electric service for more than 24
hours. In addition, the list will be provided to county and municipal Offices
of Emergency Management.
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